All Bonnie Blue ever wanted was to chase tornadoes with her Dad. But dreams die with time. Now, she’s become a different kind of storm chaser, hawking storm doors “door-to-door” for her charismatic boss, Flip Smyth: a cultish father figure who preaches Disaster Capitalism to Bonnie and his tribe of sales guys. As she realizes that Flip’s doctrine of “Flip the Switch!” is just a way to exploit customers, a different kind of switch flips inside Bonnie — unleashing an inner and outer storm of violence.
Director - Gretl Claggett
GRETL CLAGGETT is a creator, writer, and director committed to telling singular stories that reflect current dilemmas but are timeless — stories that entertain and catalyze conversations that can transform cultures.
Gretl’s first film Happy Hour — narrated by Julianne Moore — is based on true events and a poem from her book, Monsoon Solo: Voices Once Submerged. The film screened as an official selection at more than 15 festivals, winning awards and garnering praise from Oscar-winning Writer/Director Robert Benton: “Happy Hour is a lush, elegiac film about an extremely difficult subject and Ms. Claggett handles it masterfully.”
Gretl’s second film/proof-of-concept pilot, STORMCHASER, is a female-forward, nuanced satire that allegorizes this era in “Merica”: Global Warming, Disaster Capitalism, Trump, Bullying, #MeToo, Morality, a Shrinking Middle Class and Country Divided. STORMCHASER has been selected to screen at more than 50 festivals around the world — winning AMC Network’s Inaugural “Best Female Creator” Award at Stareable Fest 2020 and “Best Writer and Director” Awards at the 2021 New York Women in Film & Television Festival. Other awards include multiple wins for Best Director, Best Screenplay, Best Film, Best Pilot, Best Cinematography, Best Actress, Best Actor, Best Ensemble Cast, Best Original Score/Soundtrack, and Best VFX.
Writer & Director Gretl Claggett
Producers Gretl Claggett, Sarah Donnelly, Etan Harwayne-Gidansky
Executive Producers Gretl Claggett, Pamela Cederquist, Simon Taufique
Starring Mary Birdsong, Stephen Plunkett & Dominic Rains